Spring Security - Multiple Authentication Providers


Example how to configure Spring Security to support multiple Authentication Providers.

We have 2 Authentication Providers:

  • InternalAuthenticationProvider - for from-login with username & password parametters
  • AuthenticationTokenProvider - for the login by token string

SSH without password


SSH to server without entering password

$ ssh-keygen $ ssh-copy-id -i root@ip_address $ ssh root@ip_address



Localtunnel is very awesome

It allows you to easily share a web service on your local development machine without messing with DNS and firewall settings.

Spring Security 4x support Websocket


According to article Preview Spring Security WebSocket Support, Spring Security 4x now fully support Web Socket => happy

For people who wanna to see a complete example Example Spring Security 4x support Web Socket

Caution, by default Spring Security will be failed if there is a Reverse proxy on the server. To fix this, the server need to be configured to support Web Socket handshake. For example this is configuration of Nginx

Bubble Chart using d3js


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Example configuration