Hey, I’ll try to put some interesting stuff about technical topics.
I hope that you’re going to find interesting and useful information.
Have a nice read :).
See ya!
I love SPA so much. And I love to do coding in this way.
I used Spring Java based configuration option write most of my Spring configurations without XML but with the help of few Java-based annotations. In Servlets 3.0 you don't need a web.xml for many cases, however, sometimes it's required or just useful. This case is just one of them - there is no special annotations to define welcome-file list or error-pages. It is resolved as bellow:
A client-side Javascript SDK for authenticating with OAuth services.
- SSO Login for Facebook, Google+, Window Live
- Return user email
- & more if anyone extended the code
Here is the link: http://phuong-huynh-projects.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/hellowebapp/
I have been working with ExtJS 4 these days. The framework provides new MVC architecture help their sheeps to improve the flexibility of the application. Remember the Design Pattern principle "close to modify but open to extend".
Ok, let go to the main point of this entry.